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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Fight! Learn how to fight a red light / speeding ticket and win.

Fight! Learn how to fight a red light / speeding ticket and win.

More and more, States are including red light cameras at intersections to catch motorists breaking the law. 

These cameras take a photograph of the vehicle and the license plate and send it to the owner of the vehicle. Moving violations can run in the hundreds of dollars.

Knowing your legal options and ways of fighting red light camera tickets could save you money and potentially keep negative information off of your driving record.
Many people are scared to fight a ticket in court, but in fact, 50% of people win when they fight a ticket. You have a few different options to fight your ticket including doing it on your own,

 hiring a lawyer or ticket fighting agency, or by using trial by declaration if it is available in your state. No matter what path you choose to fight your ticket, if you win, your ticket will be completely erased and there will be no fines to pay or points added to your driving record. Also, in many states if you lose your case, you can still take traffic school to dismiss your speeding ticket. 

That means, other than time, you have nothing to lose by trying to beat your ticket.

1 comment:

  1. My sister actually got out of a speeding ticket with the help of a professional and experienced lawyer from According to her, hiring a lawyer is one of the best ways to fight a traffic ticket nowadays! You won't be disappointed!
