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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

North Carolina gas

  • Statewide ban on smoking in bars, restaurants, and some other workplaces: On January 2, 2010, after being signed into law by Governor Bev Perdue on May 19, 2009, 
  • Comodynes make-up remover towelettesNorth Carolina Session Law 2009-27 went into effect, banning smoking statewide in all bars and restaurants in North Carolina, as well as in government buildings and vehicles.
  • The law exempts cigar bars, private clubs that are not-for-profit (including country clubs), designated hotel/motel smoking areas, and medical research facilities studying tobacco.
  • The law generally allows local governments to regulate smoking more strictly beginning July 5, 2009 (as long as it is approved by the county, too), but preempts local governments from regulating smoking in cigar bars, retail tobacco shops, tobacco manufacturer facilities, designated hotel/motel smoking rooms, private clubs (including country clubs), 
  • theatrical productions involving smoking, private residences, or private vehicles.
  • Other statewide smoking regulation in North Carolina:
  • North Carolina Department of Correction, January 2006, banned in all state prisons.
  • UNC Hospitals, August 2007, banned on all hospital grounds.
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, January 2008, banned on all university grounds except 100 feet (30 m) from any school building.Wiki Smoking Ban North Carolina

Excise tax per pack $0,45 in North Carolina

Wrightsville Beach group one step closer to butt-free beach


WB group one step closer to butt-free beach
Comodynes self tanning towelettes Click here12WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC (WWAY) -- The debate on whether to ban smoking continued tonight at the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen meeting. Supporters of the ban got one step closer to reaching their dream of a butt free beach.
The board originally voted three to two against a smoking ban, but supporters have put up a fight and if all goes to plan they just might get their wish.
A group supporting the smoking ban presented the board with a stack of signed petitions. Only 211 signatures were needed for the petition to be successful, but the group gathered more than 240.
Free shipping on Comodynes towelettes Click here“We basically did two days of actual canvassing of Wrightsville Beach by person,” said Sean Ahlum, a member of the Surfrider Foundation, the group pushing for the ban. “It was amazing, people were very willing to come out and sign it.”

Bonnie Monteleone was at the meeting and is a researcher at UNCW who travels the worlds oceans studying the accumulation of plastic. Plastic, she says, is not the issue at Wrightsville Beach.
“The problem is they're finding cigarette butts and that's the number one item they're finding in these samples on these beaches, so if we can eliminate the cigarette butts, we're going to have one of the cleanest beaches on the east coast,” Monteleone said.
The next step to get the ban in place is to have the petition certified by both the New Hanover County Board of Elections and the town clerk.

“I'm sure they all had valid reasons for why they want to do it and why they voted their way, I just think in my personal opinion that they voted the wrong way this time,” Ahlum said.
According to town attorney John Wessell, there is no set amount of time to verify the petition, but if put to a public vote, he says it would most likely go on the November ballot.
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Smoking at Wrightsville Beach

Well I will say it again and again.Why not cut off ALL taxpayer money from the county.Put a gate on top of the bridge and only allow those that think they own Wrightsville Beach to pay for everything and see how long it takes before they come back crying for some county tax dollars so they can survive.Man I sure wish the beach was back like it was years ago.Would I40 north to 95 north help this situation???I believe so.

Filter Litter

This would be a non-issue were it not for the simple fact that many (most?) smokers treat the world as their ashtray. Littering is illegal but when a group of lazy, inconsiderate slobs see it as their "right" to trash the beach, people that don't agree with that will react.
Don't look at the people that want a cleaner beach as the enemy, look at your fellow smokers, the pathetic ones that can't be bothered to pick up after themselves. They're the ones driving this push.

Ban Smoking

Quit whining about the proposed smoke ban on the beach. If the smokers would take their butts with them instead of leaving it behind like we're their mamas to clean up after nasty then WB probably wouldn't be so worried about it. Your littering & contributing to the pollution. Grow up & pick up after yourself so you won't have folks up your butt.

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