retail tobacco stores, (5) stage performances involving smoking, (6) private residences, except used as a licensed child care, adult daycare, or healthcare facility, and (7) the two state-licensed gambling facilities, Newport Grand and Twin River.
Local governments may regulate smoking more strictly than the Act, though as of April 2009 none have chosen to do so.
Excise tax per pack $3,46 in Rhode Island
RI lawmakers to look at beach smoking ban / Poll
Comments 51 | Recommend
February 15, 2012 8:32 am
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) -- Rhode Island could soon make its public beaches and parks smoke-free.
Should the Ocean State's smoking ban include public beaches and parks? (613 votes)Natural Pet Supplements for Dogs & Cats at Only Natural Pet Store
State lawmakers are scheduled to review a proposal Wednesday that would extend the state's public smoking ban to outdoor recreation areas including public parks, beaches, playgrounds and pedestrian malls.
The bill's author, Rep. Richard Morrison, says it makes no sense to allow smoking in areas set aside for public recreation.
Morrison says his idea would also cut down on the number of discarded cigarette butts littering public areas.
Welcome to our Legal Overview!
Text of the RI Medical Marijuana Act, passed 1/3/06, amended 6/21/07On Sale Now at Only Natural Pet Store
RIPAC Legal F.A.Q. page - Frequently Asked Questions for patients, caregivers
RI DoH F.A.Q. for Medical Marijuana Program, released June 2006
Q: Who can obtain a license from the RI Medical Marijuana Program?
A: Patients with debilitating conditions and caregivers.
Q: Who is protected under the RI Medical Marijuana Act?
Legal Protections for Patients
(protections apply only to patients who possess a registry identification card)
• Protection from arrest, prosecution, or penalty for possessing less than or equal to 12 marijuana plants and 2.5 ounces of usable marijuana. Plants must be stored in an indoor facility. All Natural, Premium Cat Food at Only Natural Pet Store
• Protection from civil penalties and disciplinary actions by a business or occupational licensing board or bureau.
• Protection from refused enrollment, employment or lease by school, employer, or landlord respectively
• Protection from the forfeiture of property that is possessed, owned, or used in connection with the medical use of marijuana.
A registry ID card or equivalent issues under the laws of another state shall have the same force and effect as a registry ID card issued by Rhode Island.
Legal Protections for Caregivers
• Protection from arrest, prosecution, or penalty for assisting a qualifying patient to whom he or she is connected through the department’s registration process with less than or equal to 12 marijuana plants and 2.5 ounces of usable marijuana. Plants must be stored in an indoor facility.
• Protection from civil penalties and disciplinary actions by a business or occupational licensing board or bureau.
• Caregivers may be reimbursed for costs associated with assisting a qualifying patient. Compensation shall not constitute the sale of controlled substances.
Legal Protections for Physicians
Protected activities:
1. Providing written certifications
2. Stating that the potential benefits of medical marijuana would likely outweigh the health risks for a patient.
• Protection from arrest, prosecution, or penalty
• Protection from civil penalty or disciplinary action by the Rhode Island Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline
Legal Protections for Nurse Practitioners or Pharmacists
• "Protection from arrest, prosecution, or penalty for discussing the benefits or health risks of medical marijuana or its interactions with other substances with a patient.”
Legal Protections for Any Person
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• Protection from arrest of prosecution for “constructive possession, conspiracy, aiding and abetting, being an accessory, or any other offense for simply being in the presence or vicinity of the medical use of marijuana… or for assisting a registered qualifying patient with using or administering marijuana."