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2 oz or less | misdemeanor | 1 year | $1,000 |
2 to 8 oz | felony | 2 years | $2,000 |
8 oz to 1 lb | felony | 5 years | $5,000 |
1 to 10 lbs | felony | 10 years | $10,000 |
More than 10 lbs | felony | 15 years | $15,000 |
*A positive urine test or other evidence of recent marijuana use is considered possession. | |||
Delivery of less than 1/2 oz | misdemeanor | 15 days MMS** - 1 year | $1,000 |
1 oz or less | felony | 2 years | $2,000 |
1 to 8 oz | felony | 5 years | $5,000 |
8 oz to 1 lb | felony | 10 years | $10,000 |
1 lb or more | felony | 15 years | $15,000 |
To a minor | felony | 10 years | $10,000 |
Within 1,000 feet of a school or within 500 feet of specified areas. | felony | 5 years MMS** | $10,000 |
**Mandatory minimum sentence. All convictions carry the MMS of 30 days (first offense), 1 year (subsequent offense). | |||
Paraphernalia possession | misdemeanor | 30 days | $200 |
Inhabiting a room where marijuana is being stored or used | misdemeanor | 1 year | $1,000 |
Excise tax per pack $1,53 in South Dakota
South Dakota
- Statewide smoking ban: South Dakota voters passed 2009 H.B. 1240 on November 10, 2010. The bill bans smoking statewide in all enclosed workplaces in South Dakota, including bars and restaurants, exempting only private residences unless used for child daycare, cigar bars, retail tobacco shops, and a percentage of hotel and motel rooms.
- The bill was passed in the South Dakota State Legislature and signed into law by Governor Mike Rounds. It was scheduled to take effect in July 2009, but on June 22, 2009, a group of casino and video lottery operators presented the Secretary of State with a petition for a referendum over H.B. 1240 that they claimed to bear 25,000 valid signatures.
- On June 25, 2009, the Secretary of State certified that the petition indeed bore at least the required 16,776 valid signatures, putting H.B. 1240 to the November 2010 public referendum. On July 24, 2009,
- the Secretary of State declared that after further review, the number of valid signatures on the petition fell short of the required number to put the issue on the ballot.
- On November 13, 2009, however, Circuit Judge Kathleen Trandahl ruled that the petition did have enough valid signatures, and ordered the Secretary of State to put the issue to a public vote on November 2, 2010, which ultimately passed. H.B. 1240 is silent as to whether local governments may regulate smoking more stringently, though as of November 2010 no local governments in South Dakota have done so. Wiki Smoking Ban South Dakota
South Dakota Smoking Ban Is One Year OldNovember 10, 2011 7:13 PM Thursday, November 10th marks one year since South Dakota's smoke-free law went into effect. The law bans smoking in bars and restaurants. While smokers and business have adapted with outdoor smoking areas, those who supported the ban are touting its' success. Darcy Ellefson a respiratory therapist says the health benefits are already being realized. "There is just an overall sense of relief in South Dakota that workers don't have to be exposed to second hand smoke and consumers don't have to worry about which bar or restaurant can I go to and have safe air to breathe”. Said Ellefson. Erik Gaikowski with the American Cancer Society agrees "With the smoke free law more people are choosing to use that as a reason to quit and that was our hope to begin with. Said Gaikowski Amy Harms is a 15-year volunteer she says she has talked with smokers who voted against the law, but now are happy it passed. "I think people were really scared about what it would mean for businesses but I believe that businesses are seeing that there are more families out going to restaurants and bowling alleys. Now when people have to go outside, especially in the state of South Dakota, people don't care for the habit as much." Said Harms. kdlt |
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