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Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Excise tax per pack $2,00 in Alaska


  • No statewide smoking ban. Instead, Alaska's statewide smoking law generally requires the designation of smoking and nonsmoking areas and warning signage in most enclosed workplaces and public places. Smoking is prohibited only in: (1) schools during school hours, except in designated areas where minors cannot be present, (2) meetings of state or local government public bodies, (3) non-psychiatric hospitals, health care facilities, and doctors' offices, and (4) elevators. In (1) 

  • public transportation vehicles and depots, (2) workplaces, governmentoffices, and places of entertainment or recreation, (3) universities or adult daycare facilities, (4) 
(5) state capitol chambers when not in session, (6) residential healthcare       
facilities and psychiatric facilities, (7) restaurants that seat more than 50 people, (8) grocery/food stores, (9) places of employment posting a sign stating that smoking is prohibited by law, (10) correctional facilities, and (11)

 the Alaska Pioneers' Home or the Alaska Veterans' Home, a smoking area may be designated, with no limit on its size, but must post appropriate warning signage. All other places are entirely exempt from regulation. 
The Alaska state smoking law is silent as to whether cities can regulate  smoking more stringently. Localities in Alaska with smoking bans that include all bars and restaurants (3 total):
  • Anchorage, July 1, 2007, banned in all enclosed workplaces, including bars, restaurants, and private clubs.
  • Dillingham, banned in all restaurants, but not bars or all other workplaces
  • Fairbanks, banned in all workplaces, excluding bars and restaurants
  • Sitka, banned in all enclosed workplaces, including restaurants but exempting bars
Wiki Smoking Ban Alaska

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