You may not drive barefooted.
Dominoes may not be played on Sunday.
Putting salt Apply now for up to $1000!
Boogers may not be flicked into the wind.
Masks may not be worn in public.
Bathing in city fountains is prohibited.
It is considered an offense to open an umbrella on a
street, for fear of spooking horses.
It illegal for a woman to drive a car unless her
husband is waving a flag in front of it.
Movie & TV Production Spotlight
2010-2011: 12 key projects were filmed Find TRUE Love - Get a FREE Psychic Reading
including 8 movies and 4 TV series. Movies include:
October Baby, The One Warrior, The Man in the
Maze, After, Stand, Awakened and Counter-
Clockwise. TV: Rocket City Rednecks, Big Shrimpin',
Bama Belles, and Sweet Home Alabama.
Production Incentive:
Alabama’s incentives to production include a
spending ranges from $500,000 to $10 million.
Productions covered include film and TV to videos,
interactive games, digital media, etc. There is a 35%
rebate for wages paid to Alabama residents. The
rebates are capped at $10 million awarded each fiscal
year. A new amendment increases the amount that
can be rebated per year to $15 million in 2013 and
2014, and $20 million in 2015 and each year
The one at the very top is wrong, it's not illegal to drive barefoot in any US state. See Barefoot driving is okay!
ReplyDeleteDahbuzz12, could you please edit the blog post and remove this one? These 'dumb laws' may seem like harmless jokes, and for the most part they are, but this particular one has grown out of hand and some cops have actually written a ticket for it. See for an example; fortunately that guy knew enough to challenge it in court, but not everyone does, some people end up paying for breaking a law that doesn't exist! Real tickets suck badly enough without getting them for myths too. Thank you!!!