It is illegal to wear a bullet-proof vest while
One must yield a phone line to a person if it is an
You cannot pump your own gas.
It is against the law for a man to knit during the
fishing season.
You may not slurp your soup.
In Haddon - Cross-dressing is illegal.
In Haddon - No one may annoy someone of the
opposite sex.
In Manville - It is illegal to offer whiskey or cigarettes
to animals a the local zoo.
In Trenton - Pickles are not to be consumed on
Movie & TV
2010-2011: 60 key projects were filmed in the state,
including 41 films and 19 TV series. Movies
include:Win Win, Gimme Shelter, Goat, Bad Parents,
Chlorine, Drama Class, and The Briefcase. TV includes:
Law & Order: SVU, Abusers, Diva Dawn Marie Reality
Show, Brick City, Cake Boss, Cake Boss: The Next
Great Baker, Jersey Shore, Jerseylicious, and The Real
Housewives of New Jersey.
Production Incentive:
New Jerseys's production incentives include a 20% tax
credit instituted in 2006. This tax credit is available
to producers who spend 60% They're Out There Waiting To Ticket You. Find them Before They Find You! Add 20,00 Red Light Camera Locations for $9.99
Jersey, exclusive of post-production costs. The credit is
both saleable and transferable and may be carried
over to subsequent tax years.
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