No man may seduce and corrupt an unmarried girl,
or else he risks five years in prison.
There is a 3 cent bounty for each starling and 10
cent bounty for each crow killed in any village,
township, or city in the state.
It is legal for a robber to file a law suit, if he or she
got hurt in your house.
Any person over the age of 12 may have a license for
a handgun as long as he/she has not been convicted of
a felony
In Harper Woods - It is illegal to paint sparrows to sell
them as parakeets.
In Wayland - Anyone can keep their cow on Main
Street downtown at a cost of 3 cents per day.
Movie & TV Production
2010-2011: 62 key projects were filmed in the state,
including 57 films and 5 TV series. Movies include:
The Avengers, The Five-Year Engagement, Sparkle,
Freaky Deaky, The Ides of march, AWOL, and Oz: The
Great and Powerful. TV: Detroit 1-8-7, Hardcore
Pawn, Ice Brigade, Tattooed in Detroit, and All-
American Muslim.
Production Incentive:
Beginning in February 2008, the Michigan film
production credit provides a refundable, assignable
tax credit of up to 42% of the amount of a production
company's expenditures (depending upon type) that
are incurred in producing
entertainment project in Michigan.
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