It is illegal for restaurants to sell cherry pie Start 30 day free trial
No one may catch fish with his bare hands.
The state game rule prohibits the use of mules to hunt ducks.
In Lawrence - All cars entering the city limits must first sound their horn to warn the horses of their arrival.
In Lawrence - No one may wear a bee in their hat.
In Topeka - No one may sing the alphabet on the streets at night.
In Topeka - No one may scream at a haunted house.
In Wichita - Hopefully everyone in the city has a trash can, because dumping their waste in a city pool is against the law.
Movie & TV Production Spotlight
2010-2011: 3 key movies
Production Incentive:
Kansas provides a 30% tax credit on direct production expenditures made by an eligible film production company capped at $2 million year through 2013.
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