People who make ugly faces at dogs may be fined
It is illegal for the owner of a bar to allow anyone inside to pretend to have sex with a buffalo.
Oklahoma will not tolerate anyone taking a bite out of another's hamburger.
Whaling is illegal.
Oral sex is a misdemeanor and is punisable by one year in jail and a $2,500 fine.
It's statutory rape for a man over 18 to have sex with a female under the age of 18, provided she's a virgin.
It is illegal to have sex before you are married.
In Clinton - Molesting an automobile is illegal.
In Oklahoma City - It is illegal to own a stink bomb.
In Oklahoma City - No one may walk backwards downtown while eating a hamburger.
In Wynona - Mules may not drink out of bird baths.
In Yukon - It is illegal to tie a horse in front of city hall.
In Yukon - While passing another vehicle, you must honk your horn.
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